
About Us
Weekly Ride Schedule
Ride Archive
Scofflaw Biking Survey (a study about bicyclist behavior)
Ride Smart (bike safety): bike_safety.pdf
California Vehicle Code:http://catsip.berkeley.edu/california-vehicle-code
Articles of interest to cyclists: RoadBikeRider.com
League of American Bicyclists: State Bike Laws
California BikeSafe Bicycle Crash Reporting App
at http://www.avrek.com/bicycle-crash-reporting

SATURDAY rides are posted on the Google site:
Ride start locations with map are on the route slips.
The Saturday Morning Ride is for those looking for a faster paced ride. The rides are drawn from the club’s archive of over
300 rides. Depending on the ride, the distance will vary. Some as short as 35
miles and some as long as 60 miles with occasionally 100 miles once or twice a year. The start time is 8:00 AM. Snack breaks are usually included at the halfway point. Based on destination, the ride start location will vary. Contact Brian Cox
brian@coxintl.com for more information.
SUNDAY RIDES The Sunday Morning Easy Ride
is for those who want a more leisurely ride. No route slips. The start location
is at the corner of Hill and San Pasqual in Pasadena, near CalTech. Start time is 8:00 am. We
go to breakfast at a different destination every week. It is usually less than
20 mile ride that ends back at the starting point before 11:30 am. Contact Randy
Smith randy.investor@gmail.com
to receive the weekly e-mails announcing the Sunday breakfast destination.
Sunday Morning Moderate Ride is for those looking for a
faster paced ride than the Sunday Morning Easy Ride.
The last Sunday of each month will be a somewhat longer ride visiting some weird landmarks in LA. Meet at Victory Park (North side of
Paloma between Altadena Dr and Sierra Madre Blvd in Pasadena). 40 miles. Start
time is 8:00 am. There will be a snack/coffee stop during the ride. RAIN
CANCELS. Contact Stan Stan Schwarz
stan7826@gmail.com for more information.
Park in lot just west of Fair Oaks on El Centro. Then ride two blocks down El
Centro to Khaldi's.Start: So. Pasadena at Diamond & El Centro at Kaldi coffee
shop (across from the library). Coffee break in Sierra Madre, about 25 miles
round trip. Contact Rashied
for details at: rjibri@gmail.com
Start: Huntington & Rosemead Blvds, SE corner, in the Grocery Outlet parking lot
Rides are with some pace, about 30 miles round trip. Contact Rashied for details at:

Arcadia Park: From I-210, exit and south on Santa Anita Av for 0.6 miles,
R-Arcadia Park.
Covina Park: From I-210, exit and south on Citrus Av, R-Badillo St, R- 4th Av to Covina Park.
Live Oak Park, Temple City: From I-210, exit and south on Baldwin Av for 3.4 miles, L Daines Dr to Live Oak Park.
Pasadena Elks Lodge Pasadena: From SR134, exit and south-Orange Grove Blvd, L-Green St to Elks Lodge.
Victory Park, Pasadena: From I-210, exit and north on Altadena Dr, R-Paloma St to Victory Park.
Wilderness Park, Downey: From San Gabriel Valley, south on I-605, exit Florence Av (follow Florence Av exit sign on the I-5 South connector ramp), cross Florence Av, R-Little Lake Road to Wilderness Park.
For a complete list of century rides in California click here.
YEAR ROUND CENTURY RIDES: These bike clubs offer free centuries that welcome non-members, and run at least once a month. Check the web pages for the schedules.
Los Angeles Wheelmen: http://www.LAWheelmen.org
San Fernando Valley Bike Club: http://www.sfvbc.org
Orange County Wheelmen: http://www.caltriplecrown.com/centuries/ 
Club policy requires that all participants wear an ANSI approved cycling helmet on all rides. The Club promotes safe cycling and requires all participants to obey the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and all local traffic laws and controls. Lights and reflectors are required for riding 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset as per CVC.
Riders should carry small tools for simple repairs, spare tubes, patch kits, tire tools and a tire pump. Security lock, food money, and a map of the area will also come in handy. All mileages are round trip.
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